
Showing posts from August, 2017

Who am I? What do I WANT? What do I DO to get it?


Rules and Regulations for Sound Prosperity Teams

Sound Prosperity is all about showing people that they have their lives in their own hands. This means that you accept responsibility for your life. Your Community has to have its own responsibility, in which you can be a part. You can be a part in Sound Prosperity in your community too. Sound Prosperity does not allow a structure for a certain community or country. We want to work with TEAM . There are a few restrictions for working with and for Sound Prosperity. Sound Prosperity is totally independent of politics and religion. We will not allow any connection to political people or any discrimination by religion.  Nepotism is prohibited.  Anyone working for Sound Prosperity signs, by starting their work, that they agree with the Sound Prosperity Rules, including the rules. By signing up for a SPURT account . . Responsibility Sound Prosperity wants you to learn how you can work as a TEAM in groups of maximal 5...

I accept the Rules for Teams
