Answers to the three most important questions.

LeeAnn What kind of EXPERIENCES do you want to have? First and foremost, I need to work on my overall health. I'm in my 60's and while I have no significant diagnoses, my immune system, energy, and weight all need to be optimized. I want to get into good enough shape to go backpacking, white water rafting and have the stamina that would allow me to do anything I want to do, physically. I want to buy a home (I lost I mine in the real estate crisis of 2006), travel the world with adventure plans. I want to create residual income so that I can stop working so much. I have been a nurse, taking care of other people for 40 years now, figuring it's about my turn! I have lots of ideas about how that could be done but I would like to buy income producing real estate, probably apartment buildings. I LOVE where I live on the California coast. I have the pleasure of going to local retreat centers, doing personal growth work, taking art lessons and learning how to sing! I w...