Answers to the three most important questions.
What kind of EXPERIENCES do you want to have?
First and foremost, I need to work on my overall health. I'm in my 60's and while I have no significant diagnoses, my immune system, energy, and weight all need to be optimized. I want to get into good enough shape to go backpacking, white water rafting and have the stamina that would allow me to do anything I want to do, physically.I want to buy a home (I lost I mine in the real estate crisis of 2006), travel the world with adventure plans. I want to create residual income so that I can stop working so much. I have been a nurse, taking care of other people for 40 years now, figuring it's about my turn!
I have lots of ideas about how that could be done but I would like to buy income producing real estate, probably apartment buildings.
I LOVE where I live on the California coast. I have the pleasure of going to local retreat centers, doing personal growth work, taking art lessons and learning how to sing!
I want to be able to help my family, I have aging parents who are going to need financial assistance. I want to write a book, learn how to paint landscapes outdoors in beautiful places around the world, I love to make jewelry - and I want to pay someone to cook for me!
How do you want to GROW?
I love going to retreat centers, Esalen, The Mercy Center, there are dozens all over the country and world I would love to experience. Personal growth work is where I spend most of my money, looking at resolving childhood trauma, PTSD, and issues of depression and anxiety.I'm definitely better, much better, but would love to continue this work until I am too old to move out of the house! I want to learn how to have more joy and happiness, my financial instability creates a lot of stress for me. I would love to know how to utilize my Spurt funds (I have a LOT) to ensure my security and people that need help.
I would be happy to be part of the SPURT organization if I could be of some help. I am a great teacher, a healer, and motivational speaker. I have a long lifetime of experience and as my dad would say, I have graduated from the "School Of Hard Knocks", with honors!
How will you CONTRIBUTE to the world?
People are in dire need of information and education that will allow them to have more control over the health and well-being of themselves, their families and communities. We put entirely too much faith in a profoundly flawed health care system that cares more about money than health. I have extensive knowledge of natural healing, mostly with good food, detoxing and alternatives to the dangers of prescription drugs.I am working with a wonderful intuitive healer to put together a brick and mortar healing center with access to online training and coaching, traveling, giving keynote presentations to groups of people who are interested in optimizing their health.
We are at the ground floor, designing a business model and talking to other practitioners who can lend expertise and synergy to create a unique and magical experience for our clients.
Individually, we can all tout great transformations in the lives of our clients, it is exciting to think of what we can do when we work together as a unified team. I am hoping there will be some way to fund this business using my SPURT but have no idea at this time how - or if - that can be done.

This picture is Laniakea. Where is the Milkey Way, of which we are one small planet...?
What kind of EXPERIENCES do you want to have?
In this part of my Life Vision, I also have a personal one, going much deeper into personal details, I want to concentrate on what I want for SPURT.I do believe that SPURT is given us as a means to relieve debt and poorness from the world for all people willing to work with us. So I want to EXPERIENCE that people are DEBT FREE. I want to EXPERIENCE ABUNDANCE in my own life and in the life of others.
I want to EXPERIENCE FREEDOM with all of you, and I want me and all of you to EXPERIENCE HAPPINESS.
I want to EXPERIENCE that all SPURT clients GROW by THINKING about their lives. Most of us live on autopilot. Most of us believe that life is happening TO them. Most of us think that we should accept what is given us. Most of us are not aware that we create our own lives based on our beliefs, many of them based on our culture.
I want to EXPERIENCE that SPURT is not only providing MONEY but HAPPINESS. It is not so that money will CAUSE happiness. It might make it easier to experience happiness, but happiness and money are not tied together. My biggest concern was ALWAYS: What if people suddenly have a lot of money. Can they handle that? I heard from people who got a lot of money and start making parties live a life in such abundance that they destroyed themselves. I do not want to experience that for SPURT clients. That is why I believe that the MONEY of clients can grow proportional to their PERSONAL GROWTH.
I also want to EXPERIENCE that SPURT- clients work hard but effective to get what they want. There are no freebies.
I want to EXPERIENCE HAPPINESS in the ABUNDANCE FESTS and in the Prosperity Centers.
The ABUNDANCE FESTS will be in beautiful places, where all clients can visit. There will be at least two fests a year each time at different locations. There will be great speakers. There will be GOOD food, great friends, joy, dancing and the secure feeling that life is good.
Kids should be allowed and entertained so they can see how beautiful life can be.
I want to visit the Prosperity Centers and FEEL the beautiful, relaxing, comforting atmosphere that all people in the stress of their finances will experience when they enter the Prosperity Center. We might combine Prosperity Centers with libraries, so people can come there to study, follow (video) classes on what they want to grow in, read books. That way it can also be a place for people still not in the SPURT community.
I want to EXPERIENCE that children can grow at each level they want to experience. We WILL make places where they can develop their potential.
I want to organize Camps for children, especially children from a poorer background and show them how they can make a different life for themselves. I want to FEEL the JOY the children have when their natural curiosity is satisfied. A place where they can be happy!
I also want to EXPERIENCE how our Health Program changes the health of our clients. I want them to eat and drink well, and be aware of the big misleading advertisements and lobbyists in the food industry! So they can live a healthy, wealthy and long life.
I want to EXPERIENCE that MySPURT clients are choosing a JOB wisely and with their whole heart. I will have that experience through the contacts we have as Prosperity Centers.
I want to EXPERIENCE how a person who was in foreclosure now has a home, he can pay for with SPURT and one day buy from us with no debt.
I want to EXPERIENCE, and I cannot wait any longer, that SPURT is exchangeable. I want to EXPERIENCE that with the great people who are working together with me. Our first ABUNDANCE Fest will be on a smaller scale with them!
I want to EXPERIENCE that my children and grandchildren are part of this all. I want them to be HAPPY and FULFILLED.
I want to EXPERIENCE great relationships with my family and friends.
I want to EXPERIENCE closeness with Creation.
To be able to EXPERIENCE this all, I am re-reading these end-goals each day, and I am working on it each day, making sure that all this WILL be my experience.
How do you want to GROW?
I believe that growing is necessary for having the described experiences. Therefore I learn each day. Many of what I learned can be found in where I took free classes first but also paid classes from GREAT teachers.
I am growing while implementing my LifeQuest each day of my life. I am growing in learning about how the financial world is working. I am learning from working together with the parties willing to work hard to get the conversion of SPURT going.
I am growing in understanding that ONLY when you work hard, but efficient, you can reach your goal. I also grow in the understanding that we are helped! Great contacts come on our way. Dealing with this difficult subject makes me grow.
How will you CONTRIBUTE to the world?
My contribution to the world is SPURT. I am doing all I can to present it well and make it valuable for communities. I know that we need to work together to get this done. I want all people working with us to be debt free, so they can have a lighter, brighter life and be of service themselves. My daily work is: making SPURT acceptable and getting new clients, setting up new communities, where an exchange is not necessary anymore. That is of great importance for the world.

In the below answers, I MISS something. I miss the fire!
The WISH to EXPERIENCE things. I miss the fire burning the door of your heart open to EXPERIENCE a whole new world.
WHAT would you like to DO, SEE, EXPERIENCE in your life? Is it an extraordinary relationship? Is it be at the top of the Mount Everest? Having a supercar (and tell me WHAT car). A nice home, and describe it? Perhaps you see something you want to experience as part of the community... Would you want to have the experience that your community is nice, clean and that no one is jobless? Would you want that people are happier? Would you want that YOU are happier? Would you want to have a fulfilled life? Do you see yourself in between them with different experiences? Did you already learn how to not only GET money but to also KEEP it?
WHAT would be for you the things you might DREAM of? Did you forget how it is to dream? Please do not think that you write this for Sound Prosperity!! It is about YOUR life! It has not even something to do with SPURT. It ONLY has to do with your own mindset.
SEE it in front of you. FEEL the emotion!
This is something you work on your whole life. For NOW, this is your FIRST set up!
Congratulations, this is probably the FIRST time you thought about your life so deeply!
You might change your answers half a year from now. Change them then. You can also RESEND the answer.
What kind of EXPERIENCES do you want to have?
In terms of experience, I am good at computers because I passed my computer studies at school, I want to improve my living standard.
How do you want to GROW?
Yes, I want to follow the online classes, I also want to travel the world learning and teaching about Sound Prosperity.
How will you CONTRIBUTE to the world?
I want to help others in my community and around the world so that they can also understand about SPURT and Sound Prosperity,
What kind of EXPERIENCES do you want to have?
To live in great places.
How do you want to GROW?
The LifeQuest and traveling.
How will you CONTRIBUTE to the world?
Yes, I want to do business and also providing services or products that people want to help the community.

Grace Masvina
What kind of EXPERIENCES do you want to have?
Live in a great place.
How do you want to GROW?
Follow online classes.
How will you CONTRIBUTE to the world?
Help my community and set up my business.

What kind of EXPERIENCES do you want to have?
I definitely want to live my dreams, a kind of life that will inspire and impact others in a positive manner.
How do you want to GROW?
I want to follow online classes and travel the world also giving people what I have learned, and also achieve my dream of being a cyber security.
How will you CONTRIBUTE to the world?
If possible, I want to work full time for MySPURT influencing people in other countries.

What kind of EXPERIENCES do you want to have?
Yes, I want to climb mountains and have social relationships. I do want to live in a great place indeed and have an outdoor social life, mingling and mixing with people.
How do you want to GROW?
Yes, online classes are great. Yes, life quest I think its fun. Romantic and motivational books, I really like traveling, I do want to learn about SPURT and Sound Prosperity. Through networking with different people of across the globe.
How will you CONTRIBUTE to the world?
Yes, I would want to build my society with SPURT. I do want to help in other countries as I have initiated to go and set a Sound Prosperity branch in Botswana as a way of kick-starting, Yes I would like to run my own business, which provides people with what they want. I am very much keen to teach children and youngsters, through advocacy, training, education and mentoring.

What kind of EXPERIENCES do you want to have?
Yes, I want to climb the mountain. I want to have a friendly relationship. I want to live in a great place. I want to travel all over the world empowering people to self-realization and self-actualization of their dreams and hopes in life. Further, I want to teach and train the whole of the world about sound prosperity.
How do you want to GROW?
I want to follow online classes, I want books on intellectual life, and on emotional intelligence. I want to travel, and I want to have a deeper understanding about SPURT and Sound Prosperity.
How will you CONTRIBUTE to the world?
I want to build my community with my SPURT. I want to help other people in other countries. I want to set up a viable business that will serve the whole world with my initiatives. I want to teach children and youngsters in the whole world to be better in life. I want to speak to people those close to me about SPURT and Sound Prosperity and also help them to join to advance their lives.
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