The Power of Belief

Are you also experiencing that there is growing a gap in society? A gap between rich and poor, between one political party and the other, between one country and the other? I see even gaps in relationships and families arising from those gaps (one is for this party, the other for the other party).

Today I heard that 40% of the Americans could not cover a $400 emergency expense. 40%!!That was last year. Is that percentage higher now?
I heard about a single mother, who is driving for Uber, to be able to feed her child, but will never be able to send her child to college. I see in almost all countries of the world unsatisfied people electing people who promise them a better life, but all talk about ME. How can you create a better world when you talk about ME?

In Zimbabwe, Sound Prosperity is focusing on US. TOGETHER we can make it. There are also some who think: ME FIRST. My Team FIRST. This is caused by the fact that those people are poor. They do not yet realize that ME FIRST will ALWAYS lead to a catastrophe. But can I be SURE that we all get that! Why? Because history shows us that this IS the way to war. If we see the other as the enemy, WE’ll all lose because only together we can grow. Only together we are strong. That is how humans are created.

When you see society as a body, all cells work together to make the body healthy. The heart cell is not thinking that it is better than the toe cell. When a cell starts to work for himself, it is cancer.

Today I was inspired by a woman speaking about that we need to understand that it can never be about ME. It can not be that we spend trillions to war and have no money to allow the child of the Uber-Mom to go to college or have material on school to learn to read.
You might ask why Sound Prosperity / SPURT is writing about this theme. Well, perhaps MORE should stand up and say, enough! We do not believe that yelling on the street brings anything. We do not think that all those protests are bringing anything. That is all based on hate; all based on FEAR. Saying ME FIRST is saying, I am afraid that there is not enough. We do not believe that works. We do not believe in fighting personal wars, and any other war.

We need to start to concentrate on making peace. Is peace not what all people want? Live in peace? Peace also means no need to fight with yourself to survive, which creates envy. Peace means that parties in a country see that only TOGETHER they can create a better country where all can live in peace.  We need to start to SEE people. We need to start to invest in health, education, and housing. THAT is where most people suffer. I saw a documentary, yesterday, about German people, who could not afford a home because the rent is too high and because they work, their income is too high for a social home.

Let us spend money on making PEACE, instead of war. Let us spend money on HEALTH instead of Chemo. Let us spend money on EDUCATION now, instead of Social Care later. Let us provide a place to live for all people. Let us make it possible that a girl in Zimbabwe who crushed her knee can have proper treatment, instead of spending money to kill the children in Yemen?

How come a country as America can have only two parties to vote for, and the gap between both parties is so big that even when a proposal is good, it will not be accepted by the other party? How come there cannot stand up someone saying, let us stop this nonsense, for it is ruining our country! Let us start to RESPECT each other again, worldwide!

One day America was the example for the whole world when it came to chances and now? How many people are poor in one of the richest countries in the world? How come that in a family half of the family does not speak with the other, because they symphatize with different parties? How come that this is happening all over the world now more and more. Because we don’t speak to each other (mmm, interesting, in Holland we say speak WITH each other), we lose all we have. We need to go back to our origin, Love, Respect.

When we are willing to reach each other the hand there is no longer ME but WE! (The M is the upside down W 😊) WE can make it. WE can handle it. WE can fix it and when I reach my hand to the Uber-Mom, can her child then go to college, like mine?

There is also a big gap between our SPURT clients.

MOST of our clients, those with the lowest accounts, are totally happy with their account and go to work each day to earn their monthly paycheck using the money on fairs. That should be the case for ALL volunteers in the world. It should be able to pay for the child’s college, for the operation for the knee of the girl in Zimbabwe. The other account holders gave up. They don’t think SPURT has any value, and what you believe is true FOR YOU!

I truly believe that if we start to change our mindset from ME, ME FIRST, to WE and TOGETHER, this world will change for the better.
We CAN do it all my SPURT friends. WE CAN make the difference. We CAN communicate with the people in the middle, who only suffer from the left and right thinking the world is suffering from. The MIDDLE is left out!

I was inspired by Marianne Williamson, the lady I spoke about. She had in an interview with Vishen Lakhiani, the CEO of Mindvalley. She is explaining very well what is wrong in the world, where a bunch of people who hate and spread fear, get votes and love, dignity and respect is ignored. It is “normal” to make the other person look bad on the ugliest ways and that behavior is adopted in the “normal” world. Her MESSAGE is universal, that is why I show it here, but she is running for president of the USA! Listen to her, please.

Let us close the gaps in the society, in our families, and support the people who want to reach a hand, so that all those people who feel so alone in their situation can feel that they are NOT alone. Let us TALK WITH each other again. Let us LISTEN to each other. Let us see that preparing for war, preparing for riots and demolishing shops from people who are working hard and burning private cars is not doing any good. The ONLY thing that can help is to reach each other a hand and reach a hand to people in our governments who are willing to listen and know that WE NEED TO DO THIS TOGETHER.

WE, Sound Prosperity Members and SPURT clients are in the enviable position to be able to BE the “WE” needed for this world. Let us join to be confident that SPURT WILL change the world because we do it for ALL and not for US.

We ask all of you to use your Power to Belief that SPURT WILL be exchangeable because it is NEEDED to reach hands! But we do not need to wait until then. Start NOW! WHO can YOU reach a hand TODAY?


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