Sound Prosperity Newsletter 19. November 2017

Hello and welcome to the FIRST Sound Prosperity Newsletter!

Why this Newsletter?

Because we want to explain a bit more the connection between MySPURT and Sound Prosperity.

Years ago I was sitting in my room, speaking with someone desperate about the way Social Care was having a negative, controlling and inhibiting influence on her life, although she was grateful that there was Social Care to start with because we know that in other places there is not even Social Care! She felt controlled, not in charge of her own life anymore, out of control due to circumstances also out of her control. You might know how she felt, for you might have been there cause she is not the only one in that situation! I suddenly felt a massive burst of energy coming over me with the knowledge that this was NOT the way the Universe or God created the world. Look around you I said to her, ALL nature is abundant. You can read in all scriptures from all religions that abundance is what creation IS. Why do we, people, not experience it in our daily life?
That was the start of my search for abundance in our lives, which resulted in Sound Prosperity and ultimately the connection with SPURT.

Sound Prosperity

Sound, meaning honest, good, healthy, wholesome.

Prosperity, meaning benevolence, the quality of being warmhearted, humane.

We are here to help all members of Sound Prosperity, with a MySPURT account,  to have a life based on these SOUND principles. They should have at least a comfortable life. For that reason, we developed programs for Jobs, Housing, Health, Education. We believe when all these things are paid for there is no need for a lot of other money anymore.

SPURT is the currency used by Sound Prosperity to let all our dreams come true!
SPURT is our PURSE, nothing more, nothing less. You can receive SPURT and you can pay with SPURT. SPURT is active within the system.
Sound Prosperity is the MEANS, the helping hand, to work with SPURT outside of the MySPURT system. Sound Prosperity will show you which ways are available to use your SPURT.

For all our programs we will pay with SPURT, once we find people who accept SPURT. At this moment it seems hard to find people who agree to take SPURT, but that will change. You can be VERY sure of that! Why? Because once SPURT is exchangeable, everybody will be willing to work with it. Sure, we understand that in the beginning, we might need to get this train rolling by providing other currencies for SPURT, but we will insist, with every transaction, that SPURT needs to be accepted too. That is the only way that SPURT will and CAN support ALL people of the world. We are a Humanity PLUS Organization.

How will we be able to support our members and MySPURT clients?

Our Prosperity Centers will be the key!

One of our MAIN focuses is: Support Sound Prosperity members and MySPURT clients to get comfortable with having more money? That might sound strange, for you would say: give me more of it and you will see that I am happy!  We know though, and statistics prove it, that having more money is not necessarily making you more content. In fact, there is proof that 85% of the people who suddenly had a lot of money, like a lottery, are worse off after three years that they ever were in their lives.

We want to protect the name of SPURT, by making sure that this will not happen with MySPURT clients. For that reason, we developed a plan to support the members to live a healthy, comfortable, and hopefully healthy life. A healthy life is one of our main focuses. We also want to provide small amounts at the time, until we really can go for reliable Prosperity leaders, PAM, BAM and KAM! We asked our members to be volunteers to be trained already a year ago, and it is still on the website, but there were almost no responses.

We realize now that we will have to find people on the market, educate them and train them before we can really start these centers. Of course, those people will ask for an income outside of SPURT, which causes that we cannot begin training them before an exchange is possible. It is a pity that so much time is lost, your time. For we can only really start when these people are there.

Of COURSE, we will, with a small staff, do whatever we can to get funds to you, but please be patient! 

Work with the people we have now.

At the time I started to work on the idea to accept ABUNDANCE in my life and the life of others, my life changed. It was like I was on a mission. I was contacted on several occasions with several options to realize this. For me, the most important thing was, and is, that it should be SOUND. During the time there were many valleys. Several times all looked like we reached the mountaintop, to recognize that we would need to go over another mountain, and another, and another. 

We had to push the reset button several times and were happy to find out that even as we thought all options were over, there was another reset button! We were allowed to continue to work with all those beautiful people who also believed my dream of Abundance. People like YOU. Sometimes you think that it is easier to give up, but then you realize that this is your mission! You realize that you and your partner have gone a long way. Should that be in vain? No!  Never! 

I realized that we are like a salmon, swimming upwards a mighty river, only to get to our birthplace, our birthright. So here we are, again convinced that we reach the final top of the mountain soon. How many steps do we have to take? Can you encourage us with your thoughts? Fabulous, hardworking people are working to get this done! To get our dream, our vision come true! Like one salmon on his own would not be able to reach the place of his birthright, I could not have done this on my own and I am very grateful to feel supported by those people. And you, are you helping us too?

What do we NEED, to get this Prosperity Centers of the ground?

We need PEOPLE WHO CAN HAVE A FUNCTION IN THE PROSPERITY CENTERS! People who can check with you what you can do with your account. People who can check what you need for your life.
How and what amounts of SPURT can be transferred into SPURT+ to be able to use it to get other currencies? What can you show Sound Prosperity you DO for your community? What can you prove you DO to make life better for others?
Give and you shall receive. This is the way the universe is working. We know that from all religions.

Our first priority is the Debit Cards.

We are preparing the information so that you would receive one per household. It must be clear that those can only be sent to people with a correct address within the MySPURT System. We cannot promise that Debit Cards will be there as a New Years present, but we focus on those weeks. It is not in our hands though, although we do all we can to support this!
Once that is arranged we would prefer to get a monthly exchange available for you so that it will be known that SPURT IS exchangeable. This will cause that more and more SPURT will be used and accepted in the ordinary world, which is another way for you to work with your SPURT.

To find out what is needed for individuals on a monthly basis we invited some registered members of Sound Prosperity to fill in a questionnaire so we can see what a person living in Zimbabwe would need each month, a person living in Montana and one in Switzerland or New York City. We will work out what the outcome is to base a monthly payment on. It would be good to have the Prosperity Centers already, but that is not the case yet so we have to work with the information at hand.
As is written in the Terms and Conditions for the USE of SPURT, you will receive the Debit Cards paid for by MySPURT, as a gift for your patience. You do not need SPURT+ for that. But, as you can see in these Terms and Conditions, not ALL clients will receive a Debit Card and not all for the same amount.   We guarantee though that all who WORKED for the community will be included, even if their accounts are after the deadline of April 1st, 2017. I am thinking on the hard workers in Zimbabwe supporting their community! They will receive funds based on the part of what they earned in the community.
AFTER the first cards, you can only get new funds when you have
SPURT+. So please start to work on that! We are thinking about a monthly amount uploaded to your Debit Card.

Our second priority is payments of debts.

Please see Step 3 in the Terms and Conditions for the USE of SPURT. It will be evident that the part of paying debts takes a lot of administrative work, which was planned to be done by the PAM. Do not count that we are able to pay debts at the same time the Debit Cards will be available for there are almost no volunteers for PAM’s yet.

A Home, Healthcare, Education and of course JOBS are our other priorities.

We would pay for all these kinds of monthly expenses, mostly directly to the organizations you work with. But regarding Healthcare, we also envision to build places where functional medicine is lived. Where you can get GOOD alternative healthcare. We will work there, of course, with SPURT and we will have a team specialize in speaking to doctors, physiotherapist, chiropractics etc, to accept SPURT at least partially. All this is providing a lot of jobs also!


Do you plan to have a Humanity PLUS business and earn a daily living by that? How do you see that company working with SPURT? You will NOT be able to exchange all your SPURT into SPURT+ to get it in the currency of choice. You will need to get your suppliers to accept SPURT. That seems hard now, but it is not hard when THE SUPPLIERS can use SPURT or if they can exchange it.
You will need to learn how to negotiate with your suppliers.
We will need to see your business plan with these options included in it.
We understand that there are many people with BIG wishes. Please realize that we will not have hundreds of millions at our proposal when first funds are coming in. But we are also convinced that once one of the exchanged houses is ready, others will follow through quickly.


Sound Prosperity Teams are playing a huge role in communities. Please read about it on the website.

We hope you enjoyed this information and that you will keep your mind focused on the VALUE of SPURT and its possibilities.

Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your support in thoughts and prayers.

Irene Schoots
Sound Prosperity.


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