Sound Prosperity Newsletter 2018-11-19 New Website!

We have a new Website!!

One of our Zimbabwean friends, Wesley, set it up!! GREAT work and he can make other websites, for people who want to have a website! He might accept 50% in SPURT! We now all know that he can then, if he wants, buy with those received SPURT, SPU+Crypto.

SPURT and Sound Prosperity EXPO in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

This Expo is OTALLY organized by the people on the ground, including the expenses! Congratulations with so much perseverance! Our deepest gratitude and respect! Hundreds came together to have a big show celebrating SPURT and Sound Prosperity! Here is the link to see the pictures of the happy people!
See the video too, and all are singing and dancing! It is incredible how Sound Prosperity and SPURT changed the people there. I am VERY grateful for all hard workers and for all people willing to change their mind. Have you ever thought of giving up life? Listen to this song, while seeing the Expo video.
You know what guys, this can happen in YOUR city too!!

Our daily mindset classes, via WhatsApp, are followed by about 400-500 people a month


What do you DO when your village is threatened to be flooded by the river, when the rainy season starts? You do NOT wait till Sound Prosperity or someone else starts to build a dam, you walk miles, and miles with a stone on your head and bring them to your village to build a dam. What is WE would take an example to these ladies, walking with a stone on their head to build the dam. How many times did they walk for this dam to be build? What a PERSEVERANCE! What a WILL to accomplish something!


Perseverance for SPURT too! 

Also, the people working with us accomplished a LOT and things are progressing so much, that we HAVE to take measures. That takes time and we NEED to prepare NOW. Please see also the Newsletter and subscribe for the latest news. Not only is there now SPURT+Crypto for all active clients in the community, but ALSO SPURTCrypto for all long-term clients. Perseverance here too from the small group of people effortlessly working to get this done for us.

Contract with Italians in Hungary 

We signed a contract in Hungary, where a group of business people is embracing SPURT and Sound Prosperity and want to work with normal SPURT and make it BIG!! They contracted 3000 suppliers on Agriculture field and are contracting big businesses too. They have a great Marketing plan and offered to build a super nice E-Commerce SPURTSHOP platform! Their main focus is providing jobs everywhere, but also in Africa.
That is not the only platform promoting SPURT. You might remember the Saint James Coin. They contracted insurance companies and churches in 197 countries. All want to work with SPURT. And they do many, many other things!

We did not tell you about Ecuador, where SPURT is accepted too! Do you see that we are speaking about SPURT, not Crypto?

This is ALL about PERSEVERANCE! 


Thank you all in the world for making SPURT BIG!!

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