Sound Prosperity Newsletter 19. November 2017

Hello and welcome to the FIRST Sound Prosperity Newsletter! Why this Newsletter? Because we want to explain a bit more the connection between MySPURT and Sound Prosperity. Years ago I was sitting in my room, speaking with someone desperate about the way Social Care was having a negative, controlling and inhibiting influence on her life, although she was grateful that there was Social Care to start with because we know that in other places there is not even Social Care! She felt controlled, not in charge of her own life anymore, out of control due to circumstances also out of her control. You might know how she felt, for you might have been there cause she is not the only one in that situation! I suddenly felt a massive burst of energy coming over me with the knowledge that this was NOT the way the Universe or God created the world. Look around you I said to her, ALL nature is abundant. You can read in all scriptures from all religions that abundance is what creation IS. Why do w...